While browsing and drinking coffee, I came upon a very
alarming article. Seems April 25th
is Alice Day - Pedophile Pride Day. The
article was from 2010, and states Alice
Day is April 25th, WATCH YOUR CHILDREN A.K.A Pedophile Pride Day. It was written by Linda Crystal, Yahoo! Contributor
According to the author on this date, the pedophiles celebrate, rape and molestation of little
girls. It is okay to celebrate by "loving" a female child that day. Pedophiles are looking for
latch key kids, kids neglected, kids from chemically abused parents, single
parents, kids without rules. The
article continues predators love colors that are sexual like pink, reds,
"We call upon all Anonymous Operatives to come forward and march with us as legion. To deface and cause chaos within the pedophile networks."
Woman/girl pedophile symbol |
Pedophile Symbols:
Symbol of Girllove |
Do not rape children! |
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