How many hidden Blacks are hiding inside the white robes of the KKK, knowing they were about to lynch one of their own? There are a lot of white people with “hidden African ancestry,” and they only have to look back as far as slavery times. If the white slave owner had sex with the Black slave, some of the kids were going to look as white as their father. That appearance was all that was needed to "melt" into white population - "passing for white."
100 Amazing Facts About the Negro: A report reveals the proportion of Americans with “hidden African ancestry.” Accordng to the article, if we apply the percentage to the last federal census, that
means 487,253, “white” people in Georgia, 385,156 “white” people in South Carolina, 328,186 in Louisiana and 288,396 in Alabama are actually “black,” according to the one-drop rule.
The one-drop rule is a historical colloquial term in the United States for the social classification as Negro of individuals with any African ancestry; meaning any person with "one drop of Negro blood" was considered black.
Meghan Markle has an African-American mother & a white father |
‘One-drop rule’ persists Biracial viewed as member of their lower-status parent group The research was supported by the Harvard University Anderson Fund.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
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